Whats up with the name??

Once i heard 'Upside Down Pickle in a Jar' as a metaphor for a baby in a womb, and thought it was pretty fitting for our blog. This is for all the family and friends that Ben and I unfortunately dont get to speak to often. You can feel like you are here in all the action!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Funny Onesies that my child will wear.

Some of you may not get these. But it's ok, just know they are extemely funny to me.

There will be more.

SURVIVOR- Pregnant Island

Busy, busy, busy!
That's 3 words-the same word three times- to describe the next few months.
Firsts things first. Our follow up appointment was yesterday, and it went good, and it went bad. Everything is fine! Mom went with me, as Ben had class, and we got to hear the heartbeat again :)  Then the Doctor reviewed my test results from a few different things. They were all normal. :)  And he scheduled my next appointment  and talked about my next ultrasound, but more on that later. So my next appointment is at the end of September.
Now lets get to the bad part. I asked the doctor what the difference was between what HE  and what a midwife (at the same offices) does in a delivery. He pretty much told me exactly what I didn't want to hear. I really liked him too, and he knows my mom and works with Ben, so I feel kind of bad about my decision to try a midwife, but at the same time, its my delivery. He basically said that he likes to get the baby out safely in the shortest amount of time possible. Well, that's personally not what I believe labor should be like. Yes, it should be safe to the mother and baby, and it doesn't need to be drug out toooo long, but I am COMPLETELY against a woman going into the hospital and being given pitocin, when she might not have needed it in the first place, and then, because the pitocin speeds up the process, she's in so much pain that she has to have an epidural, and then the baby gets distressed, so the doctor has to "save" the baby with a c-section, just in time. This whole scenario is what I envision with this particular doctor and it really sucks because he is a super nice man. So I made my next appointment with a midwife. Ben knows her from working with her, so hopefully it will go well. Oh, and I'm not against epidurals... because believe me, I will be begging for one. I would just like to try on my own to give birth and Maybe not have to have pitocin, or maybe just later on after I've tried on my own for awhile. I think I have a pretty great team picked out to be in the room with me too. The hospital allows five people.
Ben-of course!
Mom- of course! and she says she will be my doula lol
Dad-will probably just want to watch...and cry
Avery- :)
And I have one slot left open if I decide to fill it.
I'm thinking about taking the people who express to me that they would want to be in the room, which so far is my grandmother... and basically having like a survivor challenge. Obstacles, races, nothing but rice and whatever they can hunt, leaving them stranded somewhere, and then voting them off. The tribe had spoken, please gather your things and leave the Pregnant Island immediately. All that jazz.
Just kidding!
Other than the people in the delivery room and people that live out of town and have to drive, we toyed with the idea of calling everyone else after the baby is born to come to the hospital. It might be nice for Ben and I to have some time alone with Finn before guests arrive. Also, I don't like the idea of people waiting in the waiting room on me like I'm on some kind of time clock. But my mind might change by then, I don't know.

Now, "doctor speedy" told me that I would have an ultrasound done at 18 weeks, which basically will check the growing process and also will tell us if it is a girl or a boy, because I'm a planner, and it's KILLING me now knowing if its made of sugar and spice and everything nice....or snakes and snails and puppy dog tails.
So if I have the appointment around 18 weeks, then I will hopefully know the gender before my birthday on October 15th. Then I will tell Morgan and Mom, but Morgan first... and then tell everyone else at mine and mom's (hers is the 11th) birthday get together.  If for some reason they schedule it after my birthday, then I will tell Morgan and Mom, but Morgan first, and then everyone else will find out on Halloween, by my costume. I have some pink and blue costume ideas.  That way when I walk into a room, everyone will go nuts. Ben and I have a feeling it will be a boy, but we'll see!
In other news, my brother in law is getting married in November. There are showers for Lacey-his fiance- starting in September. So I will get to go to those :) and I'm hosting one in October for her too! My wedding showers were so much fun, and I know she will enjoy them. Then the wedding is in November, and Ben is best man and I'm a bridesmaid, which will also be fun since I love weddings! Then theres my 3rd Anniversary in September, and my bday and then Thanksgiving, and Christmas! I FREAKING LOVE FALL!!!!! It hosts the best weather, and most exciting season.  It all leads up to one most exciting thing....I get to quit my job!!!!!!!!!!! If nothing changes, I will have the great opportunity to be a stay at home mom. Don't get me wrong, I love love love my job, but it will be nice!
There's so much more to discuss, but I must get some dinner. Starving!
-Lauren <3

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mo and Mo Delish.

I can't sleep, so I figured I would write a blog about Finn's future Aunt Moe. Also because she's hinted to me in the last few weeks (and the last few minutes) that I haven't even mentioned her but once.
Meet Moe.
or Aunt Morgan.
and she just aint quite right.
She will never be left alone with my child.

Just kidding!
We became friends the day after I got back from my honeymoon, and 5 days later, we were prank phone calling people and getting into all kinds of mischief. We have so many inside jokes and have been talking about babies for the past year. We can finish each others thoughts, and have been through some rough times, but it's not a true friendship if you don't fight like spouses. She's my "wifey-friend"  because she's 'tucked me in and keeps up with me like a spouse' .She has so many funny things to say and she's not afraid to say them.
Like, for instance, the other day she sent a message that basically said she hoped I wasn't going to be the kind of mother that made people take showers before they step in my home and that I wont be stingy about Finn. I promised her I wouldn't be like that, and she was welcome in my home anytime to hold Finn, as long as it meant I could get a break. 
The day before that, the message read "October 20th is your 20th week. I'll be waiting. lol I have your pregnancy in my calendar now. DON'T FORGET who gets to know first." She was of course speaking about the sex of the baby.
Morgan is also crafty. She'll want to help with nursery decor and shopping, and that will be great, because she would be the one that tells me that something doesn't look right.
She will definitely be a part of Finn's life, as long as I "dont call her every hour to change a diaper because I cant handle it"


Meet Finn.
He/she is 10 weeks and 6 days old.
Finn has a beautiful heartbeat, as we could see it and hear it.
Finn is very active and moves like a fish. 
From the picture you cant tell that Finn has  arms and legs. But on the screen today, he/she was flailing them around like it was a contest.
Ultrasound lady said everything checked out fine and it was the size it should be, and My due date was still march 17th or 18th, so it will be a March baby like its aunt Amy! lol
After the ultrasound, we made the rounds to drop off copies of it Mom (I was trying to tell her about it before I showed her the picture, and she YELLED "JUST SHOW MY MY GRANDBABY!!!!" and snatched the picture out of my hand. It was hilarious), Grandma, Dad ("I dont know what I'm supposed to be looking at..." as he turns it upsidedown), Bens mom, and Grandaddy, whose birthday was today. I took a picture to work too and showed it off.
Ben promises an imitation of Finn moving around, so I will try to get that on video... haha
Well, thats really all for now.
-Lauren <3

Monday, August 22, 2011

I hope my kid isn't a squib.

So I thought I would just update everyone on some of the pregnancy symptoms I have been experiencing. Before I even knew I was pregnant, I had some pretty bad cramps and fatigue. I remember being in my kitchen talking to my mother in law and I had a sharp pain and a cramp and they didn't really stop until I was about 6 weeks pregnant. Now I just have stretching pain and what feels like air bubbles moving around occasionally. I still have sickness, but it's gotten wayyyyy better. Now I only throw up once a day, if that. My Dr prescribed me zofran though for those rough days, but I havent had to use them yet. The fatigue is still here. The weekdays are hectic with Ben being back in school and all, so our weekends consist of nothing. We literally don't get out of our pj's unless absolutely necessary. Even when my family came over to eat this past weekend, I wore some pj's. I think we are actually going to try getting to the beach this weekend and go crabbing with my family. We'll see!
Food cravings or aversions: I guess I forgot to mention that I lost 15 pounds since I became pregnant. Anything greasy just really makes me so sick. So I'm pretty much sticking to veggies and some chicken. Pretzels, gushers, and applesauce have become my snack buddies. I haven't really had any cravings except homemade tacos, and a milkshake one night. Ben wanted one too though, so I don't know who was pushing the idea of milkshakes more.
Changing the subject, I have been thinking of funny Halloween costumes to wear this year. My belly wont be big enough to paint like a pumpkin, and I have to have something appropriate for work, so what other than something to do with Harry Potter?! My brother Thomas, who, I'm gonna go ahead and confess, knows EVERYTHING there is to know about HP, has given me a few suggestions that are hilarious. Hardly any of my friends will get it, but my favorite so far is a shirt that says "I hope my kid isn't a squib". If I for some reason find out the sex of the baby before Halloween, then I will probably do something related to that.
Our 3 year anniversary is coming up on September 20th, and because it's on a Tuesday this year, we will celebrate it the following weekend. Our past two anniversary's were spent on the Ocean and in the Bahamas, as we took a cruise. But this year we decided if we were going to start trying for a baby in September, then we might want to save that $1,000+ for baby. Well, as it turned out, we got pregnant earlier than we expected. We weren't really trying and we weren't preventing either, and we became pregnant on our first 'try'. so I'm glad we didn't book a cruise after all. Our plans are to go to Tallahassee and and have dinner and stay at Hotel Duval. Its a super chic hotel that is extremely modern. We stayed there in October of last year for my birthday and loved it.
Well, time for bed!
Lauren <3

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Houston, we have a walnut.

So Obviously baby Finn is the size of a walnut.  :)
First things first: My appointment. I don't want to go into too much detail on here about my experience, other than to say it was great, and the Dr says everything looks great. He scheduled me for an ultrasound and we will get to hear the heartbeat, so that's coming up soon. We went to tell Mom about it and then bought our first pack of diapers. Two actually, and some wipes :) I went to my Grandmothers house that night and she had bought diapers too.
Other than that, nothing has really been going on baby-wise. I'm still sick and tired, and I'm ten weeks. I have new literature to read from the Dr, and apparently Finn doesnt like zaxbys.
I had a few things come up with the small side business that I have, and I met with a couple to discuss wedding flowers this morning, and they are already finished and sitting on the table in front of me. Another girl came by to look at a sample I made up and it looks like I have that job too! Ben modeled them for me:

And then Mom and I found a pretty much amazing dresser that just needs to be gutted and we can add 2 shelves with baskets or bins for finns dresser. Good thing I have a grandaddy who's a woodworker. He also says he wants to make a toy box and a rocking horse.
The last few days have just been full of re-doing the house to make room for one piece of furniture. And if you know me, well...that's an all week event trying to get everything perfect. so here's a picture of where the cedar chest used to be. Now the white desk and frame are there. I like.
Well, until something else exciting happens.
-Lauren <3

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tomorrow, Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the first appointment with my doctor!! Friday will be 10 weeks, so I'd Say its about time :)
The doctors office sent me a packet of information to fill out  and bring in, all about my family history and all about my habits and stuff- which I have none. lol After the apointment, we are going to buy a pack of diapers. I joined pampers.com and they sent us coupons and we have a publix coupon to put with it. (yeah, I'm into that couponing thing).
I just bought this stroller. My Mom suggested it, so at some point I saw one in sears I think, and it was awesome. Lightweight, but durable. Amazon said it weighs like 13 pounds or something. Its red, so a girl or boy could use it!
A friend of mine and Mom, is giving us another stroller (along with a ton of other baby items), so Mom or my Grandmother can have that one to use at her house, since the baby might be over there one or two days a week.  See, I planned on quiting my job in February (YAY! YAY! YAY!) to stay at home. But ben thought he was still going to be in School until August. So to help him out with bills (since he was working less hours) I thougth I would go back to work for one or two days a week for the Summer, at the Y.  And my Grandmother offered to watch the baby on those days, since she has summers off. WELLLLL, then ben found out that he graduates in May. So it's really not an issue anymore about me working, but i know my grandmother would still like to have a day a week with it, and she would push it in the extra stroller down her lane several times a day (this was the whole point of the stroller story).

I didnt mention yet that my brother is back from touring with Teal Sound!!! He got back Sunday Night, and brought a friend and Mom made a delicious dinner. my gift-which he just pulled out of his bag to give me, was a Zildjian tshirt. Black. With a skull on it. A cymbal that turns into a skull. lol
He says he still wants to be in the room when I give birth. We'll see.

Another note of good news is that the 'junk room' or 'spare room' in our apartment, is cleaned out! With the exception of a card table and chairs, its ready to start holding baby stuff that we aquire. The same friend thats giving us the stroller, is also giving us a crib and and changing table and more. So it needed to be done.

Well, I will do another post tomorrow after my appointment!
Lauren <3

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


So I thought I would do a post on the different ways we told people we were pregnant. After Ben and I found out at 9:40-ben remembers the time-we immediately went to tell my mom. We went to her house to "show her a hotel we found for our Atlanta trip",on the Internet. So she was in the living room while Ben and I were "pulling up the website". She came back and I pointed to the computer and said, "Ben and I kinda like this one".

Next I went to my friend Malina's house and just showed up with the test and gave it to her. She did a happy dance on her porch lol
The Next day at work I told my friend Amy. I told her that i had something for her in my makeup bag and I pretended to look for something in my purse. I was really getting my camera ready.

Then Amy and I went and told Ashley, who's threw her hands in the air and said "OMG. AAAND ITS HARRY POTTER WEEK TOO!!!"

Ben and I told my grandparents a few days later. Grandma didn't believe me, and Grandaddy was in shock and didn't say anything. Later grandma was skipping around the house lol

We told Ben's Brother and fiance, Lacey, a few hours before we told his parents. I was driving a rental truck at the time, and drove over at dinnertime to my In laws house and called Lacey and told her to come out to take a spin in the truck. when she got in, and we drove down the driveway and I told her the coolest part was the console. We opened it and the pregnancy test was in there. She flipped and I literally stayed home with her that night because I didn't know if she was gonna burst or not when Barry came home. haha So when Ben got off at 11, he came over to Barry and Lacey's house, and called Barry 'Uncle Barry'  and it took about 10 times before he got it. It was funny.

My dad owns a printing shop and they do vinyl work for cars. So I decided I was gonna ask him to make me a stick figure family to go on the back of my car. so I drew it out for him:
Well, he thought the baby was a peanut and it took him a good 15 feet of walking away so we could 'look at it inside' to get it:
The rest of our friends and family, we called. Everyone was happy and excited.
My friend Morgan is the first person to find out the sex of the baby in a few months, so we will be thinking of cool and creative ways to tell her and everyone else!
-Lauren <3

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Raspberry Punkin

So as many of you know, our baby has a different name each week. On the bump.com, there's a chart where it tells you what size the embryo or fetus is. So far, we have had apple seed, sweet pea, blueberry, and this week, we have Raspberry. Its fun, and funny. Speaking of names tho, we ( I ) decided that Anna Finleigh will be the girls name. Anna after my Mom (Mimi), but we will just call her Finn. And boy names...welll... we're undecided and its a touchy subject, as we have completely different tastes in names. BUT the middle name will be Finn, So either way the kid will be called FINN. Boy or Girl.
There are some things that I will not budge on, like Anna or Finn, but Ben can have some say in the boys name lol. They all have his last name, so, yeah...
I pretty much have it in my head that its MY vagina that's gonna be ripped open and blood and guts and all that good stuff, so I feel have the right to be picky and choosy.

So I've been having alot of nausea, and vomiting, which I could handle if fatigue wasn't mixed in with it. I am so tired and my blood sugar drops, so I hope it ends in the next 5 or 6 weeks. Friday was my last full time day at work and I left early for all of the above. From now until I quit work in February, I will work from 2-5:30. So, that's good!
I have some foods that I cant stand: marshmallows (smell like butt), spaghettios-which i really want to eat, but it gives me tummy aches, I throw up anything greasy including pizza, and hamburgers, and fries. So I'm pretty much sticking to a diet of applesauce, fruits, pb&j, waffles, carrots and ranch. That's all so far though.
I've been a zombie and I haven't done ANYTHING around the house except find the bed or the toilet. Ben has been doing everything from laundry to dishes, to cleaning, not to mention dealing with my moodiness and the crying. Yesterday i looked someones wedding pictures that I dont even know and I started crying. I actually felt better today and went with ben to get a few groceries and did a load of dishes and started cleaning the bathroom. He is so good and I really appreciate him!!

This is a pic of us on our first date back in June of 2007. I love it! lol

Today ben and I were looking at a calendar to see what day we found out we were pregnant. July 9th. and then we remembered that  July 9th was the 4 year anniversary (not that we keep up with it each year lol) of our first time, if you know what i'm sayin..lol 
My aunt says that must be our lucky day or something. I don't know, but we think its cool. 

-Lauren <3

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


This is my schedule on a Mon-Fri week:
7:30 or 8:30---Work
12:00---Nap at home for my lunch break
4:30 or 5:30---go home and sleep
9:00-wake up to shower and eat
10:00-go to bed.

I feel like I havent spoken to some people for two weeks because I've been sleeping. Yesterday I slept for 30 minutes on my lunch break, and then went back to work, layed out on a mat, and slep for another 30. (My coworker was in there, so the kids were being watched!)

Other than Sleeping, I had dinner with my friend Shannon at Mom and Dads Restaraunt. After witnessing a lady hit her car, we had a pretty good evening. We've been friends since 2001, so 10 years! Shes a fun Gal!!
And shes a goos person to talk to about some of the more serious pregnancy worries, Just because I like to see her reaction :)
This past weekend, Ben and I and my parents went to see my youngest brother, Avery, perform in Atlanta with Teal Sound. Its basically the major leagues of drum and bugle corps. so anyway there was a competition of 23 bands, and to put it lightly, I was amazed when one band played trumpets upsidedown. So anyway, wo got to see 'Uncle' Avery. I told Avery over the phone the night I found out we were pregnant. He is excited and actually accepted the offer to be in the room when I give birth!!! I thought he wouldnt want to, but he said yes right away. Now he might fizzle out when the moment of truth comes. I feel its important to have at least one of my brothers in the room, and since my other brother, Thomas, lives in Michigan, he probably wont be able to make it.

I'm gonna go ahead and explain that the reason he looks like he's homeless is because he's basically been living out of a bus for 2 months with 100 other people, so yeah... but here's some pics from Atlanta...

The Whole Group minus Thomas :(

So thats pretty much all thats been going on, but i will be back on here later!
-Lauren <3