We have so much coming up in the next month!
Most of it's birthdays and showers, but trying to find gifts for these occasions is crazy! I am the worst gift picker-outer. I know these people so well that I over think what to give them and I spend wayyyyy too much time and eventually just end up getting whatever. If I ask Ben what they would like, his answer is always "whatever you want"....so not much help, but ok.
So we have
Mother's Day (pretty excited it's my first)
Ashley L's lingerie shower
Ashley L's wedding-found a babysitter
Avery's Graduation-found a sitter for that too
Thomas's Bday
Grandma's bday
Malina's Birthday
We haven't left Finn with anyone except Mom and Dad. Once when I was sick and Ben was working, she and Dad took him for about 5 hours so I could sleep some of it off with medicine and not be out of it to take care of Finn, once for a doctor's appointment and once for an hour for a wedding. They are watching him for us when we go to Ashley's wedding in June though. I'm pretty excited because that will be the first time Ben and I go out together since Finn got here! we get to dress up too...
I know I'll be texting her the whole time asking how he is though!
And since my entire family will be going to graduation, Amy and Tucker are going to watch Finn while we are at the ceremony, for about an hour. Judging by the way they were with him the other night, I am completely comfortable with it and I reallllyyyyyyyy appreciate it! We actually had this set up before he was even born haha
Changing subjects....Ben and I took Finn with us to Valdosta yesterday to get some of this and also just to get out of town. It went extremely well! With both of us there it was nice to take turns changing his diaper and carrying him when he wanted to be held. We went to target, old navy, the mall, and Kohl's. It was a good day!