Whats up with the name??

Once i heard 'Upside Down Pickle in a Jar' as a metaphor for a baby in a womb, and thought it was pretty fitting for our blog. This is for all the family and friends that Ben and I unfortunately dont get to speak to often. You can feel like you are here in all the action!

Monday, February 27, 2012

DIY bird...chicken...mobile

So I have been wanting to make a bird mobile for Finn's crib, literally since i found out I was pregnant.
So I went to Hobby Lobby and got these supplies:

They looked like birds in my brain, and they also looked like birds when I cut the felt. But something went horribly wrong when I sewed them together...and I had a bunch of handmade chickens...
At least they were cute chickens.lol
I've since made a tree that goes in the middle of all these chicken-birds. And currently it is hanging above the mobile.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

"That's gross!" GAG "Take a picture, quick!"

Once again, I appologize for the grammar. Sometimes spell check wants to work, and sometimes it doesn't. So this post is pretty detailed and gross. Its about my mucous plug. So if you don't want to read about it, or are gonna say something to someone else about how you can't believe I posted this, I suggest moving on to the next blog post...

So I'm sitting on the potty.
Had a pretty stressful day/evening.
I wipe, and BAM! there it is, on the toilet paper..my mucous plug..or well, bits of it.

It was dark brown and dark red and basically looked like the most disgusting thing ever. I called ben to come to the bathroom quick and I held it out and said in between gagging,
"What the HECK is this?!"
"Oh, thats your mucous plug hunny"
"That's nasty"
"quick, get a picture of it, so I can look at it later!"
and he took the picture.

Now I'm not going to upload it because thats a little too far, but I knew Malina and Amy would want to see it. So I sat there realizing what just happened, and went to work on google trying to find out what to do next. Turns out, nothing. I remember my DR and the birthing class lady saying it could be weeks before anything happens, so, we wait.

I called my Mom and she was asleep and told her and she was so out of it, you would have thought I was going into labor. hilarious.
Then I texted Amy and Malina.

I was pretty excited. It is so strange to be excited about something so disgusting, but I am!!!

So Mom said that I should probably go ahead and have things ready now, just incase its any day now. But like I said, probably weeks. I just turned 37 weeks, 37 minutes ago! So Finn still has some baking to do.
But this weekend I am planning on recleaning the house, and just tidying up again. My bag is all packed and I'm writing lists for people and all that last minute stuff.

I also had my weekly appointment yesterday with a new midwife that I LOVE. She told me how much she thinks he's going to weigh, and that i'm measuring a week big. I paid the rest of my OB care plan bill (woohoo!) and now I am caught up on the bill, except the hospital bill, which I obviously can't pay now, cus I havent had Finn! Mom went with me to this appointment and then we went and toured the maternity ward and Labor and Delivery. What sucks about it is the construction going on in there. They are rennovating and it is a MESS. Oh well, at least I only have to be in there for a couple of days.
More later!

Boring post

I got a breast pump.
My friend let me pick out the one I wanted and that was my gift from her. So I chose a Lansinoh Manual Single pump. It had the best rating of manual pumps that I read that were in our price range. The suction is good. Ben and I put it on our faces and laughed so hard when it pulled my cheek out. It didn't work so well on Ben because of his beard. lol

This past Saturday I was invited to Amy's Lingerie Shower in Valdosta. So I figured it would also be a good time to shop there for anything on my registries at Babies R Us and Target that I hadn't gotten yet. Both stores have sent me a coupon for 10% off of anything left. So Mom drove me and I went to the shower, which was fun by the way. She got a lot of funny stuff, and then some practical stuff. My personal favorite: the box of HoneyMoon Chex Cereal. -Long story-

Then we went to target, and I ended up not using my coupon but I did get a box of nursing pads that were on sale with a leftover Christmas gift card. They were the nuk brand. We'll have to see how they work. And I went to JC Penny's and bought a waterproof crib pad with a gift card. I returned a few things at BRU, and bought 2 books for Finn. We went to Hobby Lobby and I bought the few items in there to make his bird mobile, and I also bought the cutest wire basket for his newborn pictures. Pics will come soon of the mobile and basket!
Whats left for us to buy??
-going home outfit
-a pack of white crib sheets

I still have a shower at work, and I put diapers and newborn sleepers and just other basic necessities.
The crib is being ordered probably this week.

So overall we are pretty ready!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ben's Family and Friends Shower

This post is going to take forever to finish because I'm watching Glee while I'm typing. This post is also long overdue.
Two weeks ago we had a shower here at our home and we had a great turnout. I'm really fortunate to have alot of friends that came to my shower and Mom's grandma shower, so I'm really happy that most of Ben's family was able to make it. He got to open all of the gifts and everyone got to see our house and the nursery for the first time. We actually only got it complete the night before, except the crib which we're ordering this week.  We really received alot of stuff we needed. So with two more showers, we hopefully will only have to buy a few more items :) here's some pics:

We're really thankful for everyone that showed up!!! it was fantastic :)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Just an update...

I'm sorry for all the bad grammar in this post, the spell check has decided to not work right now...
I can't remember if I posted anything about my most recent Dr. visit, but if not, I am now!
I am measuring normal and have only gained a "whopping 4 and 1/2 pounds" technically. If you count (which I do) the 20 pounds I lost in the first 3 months, then I have gained 24 pounds. Which, I dont see as being too bad! I have 5 weeks left, so I wont gain too much more hopefully! With getting him out, and BF, I really hope I lose most of it quickly.
The Dr. listened to his heart and he is still very active, and I was like, you dont have to tell me that. He moves constantly. I thought around 30 weeks he might slow down because he was running out of room, but it's only more now at 35 weeks!
I am also being moved to a weekly appointment schedule and my next two are already in the books. So, everything is going well.

As far as being ready goes, I have a few more things to do before we are completely ready. One more birthing class, we still have to wait for the crib. We picked out the one we want, so we should be getting it soon. In two weeks we are going to return a few things and get everything else we need for Finn. Just a few more outfits and some other bottle necessities.
We have a shower tomorrow at our house and then I have one for work on March 8th.

March 8th also happens to be my last day at work :( it will be kind of weird, because I have worked at childcare for 4 and a half years, and I love the people I work with and I will really miss them while I am out.
Hopefully some of them will stop by and visit when we are ready for visitors.

We also have to make a birthplan, probably this weekend. That's something that Ben and I will have to sit down together and make. It will include all the things I want during labor and delivery and then all the information about what we want for Finn. It will also include our plans for visitors, and then I think I want to make our own plan for the visitors at home and meal schedule. A few people have offered to bring us meals, and I am taking a day soon to cook and freeze meals.

Another thing we must do is take a day trip to the beach. MUST.
I have been wanting to go, but between everything, we just havent had time. Well, darnit, we are gonna make time for it! I just want to sit on the beach, hot or cold, and just rest before life gets more hectic. Also it will be the last time before we have to take Finn with us, and we probably wont be able to do that till august or septemeber when its still hot after Ben graduates. So it might be awhile.

I think thats really all I have to do, other than a few crafts for the nursery like the fabric bird mobile, and the baby blanket I have to make. Also the bumper pads... I'm giving myself waaayyyyy too much to do.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Cliche' "Hospital Bag" Post

Every pregnancy blog or vlog that I keep up with always has a post about the hospital bag. Like what all they are bringing for themselves and what they're bringing for baby.
So I guess I will hop on the bandwagon and do one too!

I have in my What to Expect (WTE) book, a list of items to bring, but I looked around online and got a list a my birthing class also. So I made my own list. And It's actually not that bad. I decided that I don't want to go out and buy gowns or really use any of my clothes in the hospital because I don't want them to get bled on, or messed up too bad, so I plan on wearing the hospital gowns. Here's what my list looks like so far:

-WTE book- just because
-baby book
-bag of toiletries
-HUGE pads
-nursing bra
-nursing tank top
-robe (bought a thinner one especially for this)
-granny panties
-going home outfit
-flip flops
-hair ties
and there are a few more things, but I'm too lazy to get up and get the original list

And for Finn:
-going home outfit
-receiving blankets (so Ben can take one home to jasper)
-Outfit Aunt Amy got him-"My Auntie is Awesome"
-car seat-obviously not in the bag, but in the car
-and socks and hat and little mittens so he doesn't scratch his face

I think alot of stuff is just provided for him at the hospital, so he's pretty low maintenance at that point.
So I will be doing a blog where I show pics of the stuff and the suitcase, just in case you all want to see, but mostly because I want to look back and see pics and also see what all was unnecessary. lol

One thing on all the lists was a focal point. It's supposed to be a picture or something that you can focus on during labor, like a picture or whatever. Let me go ahead right now and tell you right now, that a picture is not going to keep my attention. When the instructor at the birthing classes said to bring a focal point, at the exact same time Mom whispered "hot glue gun and ribbon", Ben whispered "crafts" I cracked up so bad. So true though! It keeps my attention! I might just download a game of sudoku or something on my phone. or find a friend to text and keep my mind occupied.

I think I will start my bag tonight as soon as Ben gets home and can reach it in the top of the closet for me haha

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

34 Weeks

I don't think I've ever been so busy in my whole life!

Some exciting things this week;
Our first Birthing Class
Dr Appointment
Baby shower Saturday here at our home

I have gotten to a point where I just don't give a crap about much. Haven't done my makeup in 3 days. My hips hurt and there's pressure everywhere. If something drops on the floor, it stays there until Ben can get it. We have these tiny ass chairs at work ( perfect for the 5 year olds in my room) but absolutely horrible for my butt. I'm thinking of bringing the exercise ball to sit on tomorrow.  I can feel his head has lowered to my crotch region, and when he moves it, holy moly, it hurts. I have "lightening crotch". That's what they call it lol
My back hurt so bad last night that I used a heat pad and slept in my pregnancy pillow and I was still completely uncomfortable all night. As much as  love to feel him move and I love being pregnant, I cant wait to get him out and have some body normalcy back in my life!
Another thing to mention is Jasper. 1/4 of my comfort during sleep problems are related to Jasper. He is extra clingy these days. Ben and I really cant tell if he's being jealous and needs extra love, or if he's being protective. It's probably a combination of the two. He is constantly on or trying to get on my belly, and his little paws apply a lot of pressure on it. If he's not sleeping on me, or in the crook of my arm, he's at my knees in a position where I cant stretch my legs out. In my sleep I just know I give up on moving him because he is dead weight. Punkin can sleep!

As I wrote above, This week, tonight actually, we had our first birthing class. It was at the hospital from 6-8. Ben didn't think he was going to be able to make it because of his work shift, so Mom went with me, and then Ben showed up, so I had two birthing coaches. The Nurse that was giving the class basically introduced the hospital policies and changes they are implementing in the next few weeks. The hospital is actually undergoing a huge renovation, so I hope maybe it will be over in that part of the hospital. Also they are in the process of changing a few of their policies too, like how many people are allowed in the delivery room. Right now it's five, but it's going to go to 3. Maybe they will not have implemented that new rule until after I have my hospital experience. Then she started talking about the symptoms we should be experiencing in the last weeks and labor symptoms and how to ease them.
It was very interesting and we go back for the second half next week. It's kind of fun to be in a room with other pregnant ladies learning small details like breathing patterns and stuff. Glad I have two great coaches who are gonna help me so much. There are also breastfeeding support groups that meet once a month, so since I am planning on BF, I am going to try to check out these meetings.

We have an appointment tomorrow morning. Ben gets to go with me this time! And it's with the doctor that is my favorite : )

I said this was a busy time for us. Saturday there is a baby shower being hosted at our house. I was so excited for everyone to come to our house and see it, and the nursery. I was soooooo excited. Stupid me. I have crap everywhere!!!! in my dining room I currently have a sewing machine and fabric on one side, and I took on a wedding flower job, so the other half of my dining room is home to about 6 bouquets in progress. The ribbon and accessories are spread out over the bar. I have no dirty dishes, but need to scrub down my kitchen. Both bathrooms will need to be cleaned Friday. They aren't bad, just need a wipe down. Everything needs to be vacuumed. Our bedroom needs to be cleaned and all the wall decor needs to be hung in the nursery. There are a few other little things that will need to be done last minute.
My MIL told me to call her if I needed help one night this week. I am thinking of calling her. lol
And Mom also said she could help Friday night. So I'll probably take her up on that too.
I could usually get all of this done, but I simply cant overdo it, and Ben had a completely full week. IT WILL GET DONE THOUGH!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Mom's Grandma Shower

I was so excited for mom to have this shower!
When I was born, My Grandmother had a shower, so 2 family friends threw one for my Mom, and they did an awesome job too!  My Aunt Stephanie even came to town for it. Here are some pictures from the shower:
 Grandma, Stephanie, Me, Mom

 yummy food!

All of her fantastic friends!
She got some good stuff too!
A good amount of books, and toys for her house. Also she got a changing table from her friend, and we have a bassinet for her house, so on those late nights when Ben has homework till 3am, Finn and I could go over there if we had to.
I'm glad she has such nice friends and had a good time!!