I'm sorry for all the bad grammar in this post, the spell check has decided to not work right now...
I can't remember if I posted anything about my most recent Dr. visit, but if not, I am now!
I am measuring normal and have only gained a "whopping 4 and 1/2 pounds" technically. If you count (which I do) the 20 pounds I lost in the first 3 months, then I have gained 24 pounds. Which, I dont see as being too bad! I have 5 weeks left, so I wont gain too much more hopefully! With getting him out, and BF, I really hope I lose most of it quickly.
The Dr. listened to his heart and he is still very active, and I was like, you dont have to tell me that. He moves constantly. I thought around 30 weeks he might slow down because he was running out of room, but it's only more now at 35 weeks!
I am also being moved to a weekly appointment schedule and my next two are already in the books. So, everything is going well.
As far as being ready goes, I have a few more things to do before we are completely ready. One more birthing class, we still have to wait for the crib. We picked out the one we want, so we should be getting it soon. In two weeks we are going to return a few things and get everything else we need for Finn. Just a few more outfits and some other bottle necessities.
We have a shower tomorrow at our house and then I have one for work on March 8th.
March 8th also happens to be my last day at work :( it will be kind of weird, because I have worked at childcare for 4 and a half years, and I love the people I work with and I will really miss them while I am out.
Hopefully some of them will stop by and visit when we are ready for visitors.
We also have to make a birthplan, probably this weekend. That's something that Ben and I will have to sit down together and make. It will include all the things I want during labor and delivery and then all the information about what we want for Finn. It will also include our plans for visitors, and then I think I want to make our own plan for the visitors at home and meal schedule. A few people have offered to bring us meals, and I am taking a day soon to cook and freeze meals.
Another thing we must do is take a day trip to the beach. MUST.
I have been wanting to go, but between everything, we just havent had time. Well, darnit, we are gonna make time for it! I just want to sit on the beach, hot or cold, and just rest before life gets more hectic. Also it will be the last time before we have to take Finn with us, and we probably wont be able to do that till august or septemeber when its still hot after Ben graduates. So it might be awhile.
I think thats really all I have to do, other than a few crafts for the nursery like the fabric bird mobile, and the baby blanket I have to make. Also the bumper pads... I'm giving myself waaayyyyy too much to do.