Whats up with the name??

Once i heard 'Upside Down Pickle in a Jar' as a metaphor for a baby in a womb, and thought it was pretty fitting for our blog. This is for all the family and friends that Ben and I unfortunately dont get to speak to often. You can feel like you are here in all the action!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Le bump.

Cheers to a happy and healthy-ish first trimester! We are 15 weeks now, and I have an appointment tomorrow morning. Ben's mom is going with me to this one.
Up until the last week it's been pretty boring here. Then the bump happened. The BUMP.made an appearance on Wednesday. I don't wear tight clothes aver. most of my stuff doesn't show my shape, but i wore some yoga pants and a maternity shirt and va voom! People could really tell, especially my coworkers.
Le Bump:
The picture is a little squished short-ways, so the bump is actually smaller than this, but still there!!

Ben and I started a registry at Target last week. We added some basic stuff and when we find out the sex, and tell everyone on Thanksgiving, we will add a few more gender specific items. People may wonder, why is there so much blue stuff on there now? well, folks, I like the color blue, and YOU don't know the plans I have in my head for nursery stuff, so keep wondering. :)
Ben had the scan gun:
He had fun.
Saturday we had MORE scan gun fun at Babies R US. Ben and Mom and I went and added more items. I'm glad we took Mom because she thought of things we needed that I didn't even realize, and we have pretty similar tastes, so didn't have to shut her down when she handed me a pink carseat or a Winnie the pooh bed set. Yuck. (I like Winnie the pooh, only on TV.)
Also this week, I felt movement! It happens mostly at night and its not regular, just every now and then, except today, Finn was apparently having fun in there. :)
More later!
Lauren, <3

Monday, September 5, 2011

Nothing Much.

This weekend has been really nasty. We got alot of rain and wind from this tropical storm, so we stayed in most of the weekend.  Netflix, brownies, and cleaning was my weekend. I did go out Saturday with Mom and today with Ben's mom and his Meemaw and aunt. Today we went to Hobby Lobby to get some baby yarn since Meemaw is going to make a baby blanket. I chose a color close to this:
Blue Grass, on the bottom.
It is good for a boy, but also its a cute rustic color for a girl, ecspecially with the way the nursery will be decorated.
Speaking of decorating, It is officially Fall in my house now. While at Hobby Lobby, I bought a few pumpkins and pinecone things, and Voila! With things I had stored away, my new stuff looks great!

Just a little Fall!
-Lauren <3