Up until the last week it's been pretty boring here. Then the bump happened. The BUMP.made an appearance on Wednesday. I don't wear tight clothes aver. most of my stuff doesn't show my shape, but i wore some yoga pants and a maternity shirt and va voom! People could really tell, especially my coworkers.
Le Bump:
The picture is a little squished short-ways, so the bump is actually smaller than this, but still there!!
Ben and I started a registry at Target last week. We added some basic stuff and when we find out the sex, and tell everyone on Thanksgiving, we will add a few more gender specific items. People may wonder, why is there so much blue stuff on there now? well, folks, I like the color blue, and YOU don't know the plans I have in my head for nursery stuff, so keep wondering. :)
Ben had the scan gun:
He had fun. Saturday we had MORE scan gun fun at Babies R US. Ben and Mom and I went and added more items. I'm glad we took Mom because she thought of things we needed that I didn't even realize, and we have pretty similar tastes, so didn't have to shut her down when she handed me a pink carseat or a Winnie the pooh bed set. Yuck. (I like Winnie the pooh, only on TV.)
Also this week, I felt movement! It happens mostly at night and its not regular, just every now and then, except today, Finn was apparently having fun in there. :)
More later!
Lauren, <3